UE Library News

New at the University of Evansville Libraries!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Indiana Magazine of History

The Chicago Tribune has a story about IU's project to digital the Indiana Magazine of History. IMH is now online from 1905-2006.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Familiar Faces, New Positions

Starting June 1st, Kathy Bartelt is now the Acquisitions & Collection Development Librarian. Kathy takes over for the newly retired Marvin Guilfoyle.

Meg Atwater-Singer is now the Collection Management Librarian. Meg assumes Kathy's previous position in Circulation.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I Wonder if UE Libraries owns this book...

Back in 2006, I wrote a post about creating bookmarks in your browser which provide an easy way to search for books in ACE from online bookstores. What the bookmark does is pull the ISBN off the webpage and inserts it into a search in ACE.

For example, my IN ACE? bookmark:

The IN ACE? properties screen:

And the pop-up window with the search results:

Don't forget to enable pop-ups or this won't work!

Here is the code that makes the bookmark work. Paste it into its location box: code.
Right-clicking on the code link might even let you save the code link as a bookmark. Choose that option and give it a memorable name like IN ACE?

Caveat: books get published in various ways with different ISBNs. UEL might own the hardcover, paperback or school/library edition of a title. Multiple searches of the assorted ISBNs might be necessary.

Want help? Contact Meg!
P: 2487
E: ma35

Marvin Guilfoyle: UE Librarian 1979-2008

Some pictures from Marvin's retirement party on May 1st.

Borrowing Books from Other Indiana Libraries

If you are planning on visiting an Indiana library this summer (or ever), the Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) have agreed to extend in-person borrowing privileges to University of Evansville faculty, staff, and students.

Individuals wishing to participate in this program need:

  • an ALI Borrowers Card authorized by UE library personnel,
  • a University of Evansville Identification Card,
  • a photo ID with a current address (such as a driver’s license)
The ALI Borrowers Card is valid for one year and may be updated annually.See the Circulation Desk for more information!

Monday, June 02, 2008

CINAHL Clinical Queries Now Available

Recently, EBSCO announced that CINAHL searchers can employ Clinical Queries. Designed for clinician use, Clinical Queries allow users to limit searches with specific search strategies, to aid in retrieving scientifically sound and clinically relevant study reports indexed in CINAHL databases. Searches can be refined using specific search strategies designed to produce results in five research areas:

  • Therapy - High Sensitivity
  • Prognosis
  • Review
  • Qualitative
  • Causation (Etiology)

As research may require different emphasis, three strategies are provided for each area.

High Sensitivity is the broadest search, to include ALL relevant material. It may also include less relevant materials.
High Specificity is the most targeted search to include only the most relevant result set, may miss some relevant materials.
Best Balance retrieves the best balance between Sensitivity and Specificity.

Give it a try in CINAHL today!