What UE Libraries Can Do For You: SPORTDiscus
What UE Libraries Can Do For You: SPORTDiscus with Full Text
Whether you are a physical therapy student looking for articles about treating pulled muscles for middle school athletes or an Athletic Trainer looking for new training research, SPORTDiscus may be the database you need.
SPORTDiscus contains over 250 full text titles and functions as an index for over 500,000 more. It covers international research and information on athletic training, physical therapy, sports administration, coaching, physiology and sports medicine. It belongs to the EBSCO suite of databases, giving it a user-friendly interface for research use.
Content of SPORTDiscus includes:
* over 250 full-text journal titles
* over 650,000 indexed titles
*full text and citation information for many areas of Sports and Exercise Sciences
*unique journal titles not found in other databases
Contact Kathy Bartelt (kb4) or Shane White (sw69) with questions about SPORTDiscus.
*link will only work if on campus network or logged into “off-campus access”